What Bees Need

What can I do to help honey bees?

Plant a Bee Garden

Providing a reliable source of food for bees means you bolster both cultivated and wild honey bees. More bees means more of your plants pollinated and more food to eat.

Use only Natural Pesticides and Fertilizers Certified Bee Friendly

By avoiding herbicides and pesticides you increase the chance of bees surviving to see another day. Enjoy the ladybugs, praying mantises, and spiders in your garden. They all help keep bugs away.

Provide a Clean Water Source

Bees need a place to get clean unpolluted water. Fill a shallow pain with water and place stones or branches in it so bees that get wet can have a place to climb onto to dry out. Don't move the water around. Bees need to know they can come back to the same spot everyday.

Winter for honey bees is fought with problems and keeping the hives warm is just one way we try to help keep them safe.