
How do we get honey from a hive?

Our program answers questions about honey including:

  • How do you get honey from the hive?
  • Does honey ever go bad?
  • What are more unusual uses of honey? (medicinal, culinary and cosmetic)

Racks of honey are collected from a hive.

Smokers sit outside of the door to keep the bees away from the house.

Racks of honey wait to be extracted.

A hot knife is used to remove the wax caps from the honeycomb.

It is a sticky job and a lot of work using an old fashioned honey extractor to obtain honey but our family loves our bees.

Golden treasures I contain,

Guarded by hundreds and thousands.

Stored in a labyrinth where no man walks,

Yet men come often to seize my gold.

By smoke I am overcome and robbed,

Then left to build my treasure anew.

What am I?

author unknown